Monday, December 1, 2014

Task #10 Completed: Film A Time Lapse Video (Kim)

10.  Film a Time Lapse Video

Time Lapse Definition: denoting the photographic technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time. When the frames are shown at normal speed, or in quick succession, the action seems much faster

Some of the tasks on our original list included filming different types of videos, including a stop motion, underwater, and time lapse video.  So, I decided to combine the time lapse task with the making crepes because a time lapse video needed to be involved with something that took a very long time.  And because each crepe had to be cooked separately and we had so many trial and error situations with the recipe, the crepes took a long time.

The crepes task (#9) actually took several hours, but I filmed clips to create a time lapse video just about two minutes long.  

However, I encountered some technical problems with this task and will share them with you:

1.  You need a tri-pod to film for this long a time period.  I didn't have one, and I also didn't have a person to film for me for most of the clips. My brother was the other person making crepes with me, and he was too busy making the crepes.  So, I alternating between making things with one hand and filming with the other, and putting the camera down in certain spots and hoping the shot worked out.  
2.  I do not recommend the time lapse feature of the iPhone.  The new iPhone update has a time lapse feature, and some of the clips in my video were filmed using it.  For my purposes, the speed was way too fast on the time lapse.  Slowing it down on my computer created a bit of a blurry effect.  
3.  In addition, filming with the iPhone means you need to film landscape.  However, I forgot a few times which is why some of the clips are so small.  This means it is not easy to film one-handed, so that wasn't a realistic goal for me.  I also was not used to trying to film in a store, so I didn't realize it needed to be landscape for the best quality video.

Here are the clips I was able to edit into a time lapse video:

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