Sunday, December 7, 2014

Task #12 Completed: Write "Open When" Letters (Kim)

12.  Write "Open When" Letters

I created this task in the summer specifically for my best friend.  Although we have never lived in the same town or gone to the same school, Molly and I have been friends since sixth grade.  We swam on the same same swim team.  Although neither of us swim on that team anymore, we have kept in contact.  We talk nearly every day.

The right photo is us in middle school, while the left is us after swimming against one another in one of our last high school swim meets in October 2014.

Because I know I won't be there for every big event in her life, specifically because we both will be heading off to college this summer, I came up with the idea of writing "Open When" letters.  I wrote ten letters that she can open at different events in her life, and I put each of the sealed envelopes with her Christmas present.  

The Letters
1. Open When: You get these letters (and Merry Christmas!)
2. Open When: You're feeling blue
3. Open When: It's your senior prom!
4. Open When: Graduation
5. Open When: You're about to leave for college
6. Open When: You need a throwback Thursday (memories of us)
7. Open When: You want a laugh
8. Open When: You need inspiration/motivation
9. Open When: Anytime in your first year of college
10. Open When: You have no more letters left

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