Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Task #26: Accept the No Ice-Bucket Challenge (Kim)

26.  The No Ice-Bucket Challenge

I was encouraged to participate in the ever-popular ice bucket challenge in the summer but never did it.  What bothered me about the ice bucket challenge was video participants often did not donate the money to charity because the choice was either to donate the money OR post the video.  The point of such a challenge should not be the media attention but the awareness of a disease.

As Will Oremus satirically writes in "Take the 'No Ice-Bucket Challenge'", "Be warned, though, the #noicebucketchallenge is not for the faint of heart. It requires real fortitude to give away your hard-earned cash without the promise of receiving piles of Facebook likes in return.".  (http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/08/12/icebucketchallenge_you_don_t_need_an_ice_bucket_to_donate_to_als_research.html)

From February 28 to March 1, I will be participating in the 30 Hour Famine for the first time.  This event entails thirty hours of fasting to raise money and awareness for world hunger.  I recently gave a speech at church telling the congregation exactly how they can get involved because there are so many ways to participate in World Vision events.  The particular event features involves over one hundred and fifty teens from different parishes, and it something amazing to witness.

The 30 Hour Famine is sponsored by World Vision.  Because of the 30 Hour Famine, I accepted the "No Ice-Bucket Challenge".  This entails raising money for a charity you believe in rather than posting a video on social media.

With the help of family and friends, I have reached my goal of fundraising through the World Vision website.  The cost of large latte at Starbucks can feed a child for almost a week, and $35 is enough to support a child for a month.  This shows that even a small amount of money donated through this organization can make a significant impact in someone's life.

If you would like to support my cause, you can do so here:


I also encourage that next time you are nominated for a challenge like the ice bucket challenge, you make sure to consider the true purpose of the challenge.  Getting caught up in tagging your friends on a video is not the point, but raising awareness and funds for a worthy causes is the important goal.

Thank you.

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